Results 1 to 2 of 2
- Cyclopedia exotica [graphic novel] / by Dhaliwal, Aminder,author,illustrator.; Ilic, Nikolas,colourist.;
"In Cyclopedia Exotica, doctor's office waiting rooms, commercials, dog parks, and dating app screenshots capture the experiences and interior lives of the cyclops community; a largely immigrant population displaying physical differences from the majority ... Through this parallel universe, Dhaliwal comments on race, difference, beauty, and belonging, touching on all of these issues with her distinctive deadpan humour steeped in millennial references."
- Subjects: Graphic novels.; Minorities; Cyclops;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- A witch's guide to burning [graphic novel] / by Dhaliwal, Aminder,1988-author,illustrator.;
"A witch's work is never done when she works for the people. With the success of her town relying on her magic, demands are high. But what happens when a witch can't keep up with the magical requests? She is burnt, of course--in a cruel ritual that extinguishes her magic and erases all her memories, making her just like everybody else. But when a burning ceremony is interrupted by rain in Chamomile Valley, a witch is left writhing at the stake. It's up to a witch doctor and her toad friend to save the singed witch and nurse her back to health. Can they help her before her magic is lost forever?"--
- Subjects: Witch comics.; Paranormal comics.; Fantasy fiction.; Graphic novels.; Witches; Magic; Memory;
- Available copies: 0 / Total copies: 1
Results 1 to 2 of 2