
The art of doing : a guide to getting motivated, getting unstuck and getting it done / by Lipscombe, Jesse,author.;
How to embrace a life of curiosity, action, and adventure while still mastering your to-do list. The answer is yes: when the default response is no, or maybe another time, choose yes and open yourself to more opportunities for growth. Let love lead--everyday: point your energy and focus toward what you love about what you're doing instead of focusing on avoiding potential negative outcomes; life will sort out all the details along the way. Move from "have" to "get": when you realize you don't have to do anything, you get to, you'll unlock a whole new world of gratitude for who and where you are right now. Embrace a lobster life: a lobster sheds its shell when there is no more room to grow and sprouts a new one; when you find yourself too comfortable, ditch your safety shell to grow a bigger one in its place. Do the next easiest: when you have an idea but feel overwhelmed by how big the undertaking might be, do the next easiest thing; no matter how daunting, you can always find the next easiest thing to keep your project moving forward. Follow your drum: we all have a deep reason, an inner beat, to why we want to do anything; when things get hard and you want to jump ship, tune in to that internal drum to keep on moving.
Subjects: Self-help publications.; Motivation (Psychology); Self-actualization (Psychology); Self-realization.;
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