
The Male Gaze: Boy Trouble. by Perinango, Dennis,film director.; Ruiz Espejo, Rafael,film director.; Amaral, Sacha,film director.; Langthaler, Stefan,film director.; Aceves, Erick,actor.; Bernache, Jaime,actor.; Gellén, Kristóf,actor.; Aramburu, Patricio,actor.; NQV Media (Firm),dst; Kanopy (Firm),dst;
Erick Aceves, Jaime Bernache, Kristóf Gellén, Patricio AramburuOriginally produced by NQV Media in 2020.Four countries, four men - and four encounters that will call into question everything about themselves they thought they were sure of. Just when you thought things couldn't get any more complicated, along comes a boy to add a fresh perspective.Billy Boy, 2021, 22 min., ArgentinaSummer (Verano), 2022, 22 min., MexicoFabiu, 2020, 30 min., AustriaChecoslovaquia, 2022, 22 min., PeruMode of access: World Wide Web.
Subjects: Feature films.; Foreign films.; Motion pictures.; Queer cinema.; Short films.; Motion pictures--Mexico.; Motion pictures--Latin America.; Motion pictures--Argentina.; Motion pictures--Austria.; Motion pictures--Europe.;

Breaking Borders. by Necdet Çupur, Ahmet,film director.; Chesnard, Hugo,film director.; Fleifel, Mahdi,film director.; Thouvenin, Sophie,film director.; Hu, Wei,film director.; Wilms, André,actor.; Dhiouer, Aziz,actor.; Debray, Camille,actor.; Diallo, Gémi,actor.; Huppert, Isabelle,actor.; Balde, Saabo,actor.; Cattani, Sophie,actor.; NQV Media (Firm),dst; Kanopy (Firm),dst;
André Wilms, Aziz Dhiouer, Camille Debray, Gémi Diallo, Isabelle Huppert, Saabo Balde, Sophie CattaniOriginally produced by NQV Media in 2015.Escaping persecution, wanting the best for your child, grabbing an opportunity for a new life, or simply traveling because it is in your nature. Come and explore a host of fictional stories detailing the push and pull of families and individuals who find themselves crossing borders, and boundaries, for better or for worse.Latin Babylon, 2017, 16 min., TurkeyA Drowning Man, 2017, 15 min., GreeceWhat Tears Us Apart (L'Hiver est proche), 2015, 18 min., FranceWinter Is Close (Ce qui nous éloigne), 2016, 14 min., FranceTracks (Le Bout de la piste), 2018, 19 min., FranceMode of access: World Wide Web.
Subjects: Feature films.; Foreign films.; Motion pictures.; Drama.; Short films.; Motion pictures--France.; Motion pictures--Greece.; Motion pictures--Turkey.; Motion pictures--Europe.;

Girls Feels: Skin Deep. by Guellaty, Amel,film director.; Anjembe, Josza,film director.; Akoka, Lise,film director.; Weerheijm, Marit,film director.; Veltmayer, Sarah,film director.; Gernez, Angélique,actor.; Vos, Cecilia,actor.; Seri, Grace,actor.; Elvis Kemper, Nola,actor.; Plantinga, Richelle,actor.; Hannachi, Sarra,actor.; NQV Media (Firm),dst; Kanopy (Firm),dst;
Angélique Gernez, Cecilia Vos, Grace Seri, Nola Elvis Kemper, Richelle Plantinga, Sarra HannachiOriginally produced by NQV Media in 2016.Discover a deft and exhilarating array of girlhood tales that explore themes of sexuality, family grief, first kisses and the complexities of nationality. And whether it's a once in a lifetime television audition or a grueling boxing competition - for these young women the chance to shine is sometimes worth the risk.Never Forget, 2018, 10 min., NetherlandsChasse Royale, 2016, 28 min., FranceThe Blue White and Red of My Hair (Le bleu blanc rouge de mes cheveux), 2017, 21 min., FranceWhen Grey Is a Colour (Grijs is ook een kleur), 2016, 27 min., NetherlandsBlack Mamba, 2017, 20 min., TunisiaMode of access: World Wide Web.
Subjects: Feature films.; Foreign films.; Motion pictures.; Drama.; Motion pictures--Netherlands.; Coming-of-age films.; Motion pictures--Europe.;