Results 361 to 370 of 592 | « previous | next »
- End of the rope : mountains, marriage and motherhood / by Redford, Jan,author.;
"In the tradition of Cheryl Strayed's Wild comes the story of a young climber's struggle to make her own way in the mountains and in life. As a fourteen-year-old tomboy languishing in small-town Ontario in an alcohol-afflicted family, Jan is thirsting for adventure and freedom. After climbing a hundred-foot rock face, alone and without any equipment, she decides she will be a mountain climber when she grows up. Though it's a highly improbable goal, by twenty she's a cocky, nomadic, tobacco-chewing climber with a magnetic attraction to the wrong men and misadventures. She gradually develops as a climber, with the intention of becoming one of a few female mountain guides. After a series of doomed romances, Jan falls in love with an affable, hardcore Banff climber, Dan. Dreaming of a life together, maybe even kids, she enrolls in university with plans to become a teacher. But her world falls apart when Dan is killed in an avalanche. Two days after Dan's memorial, she grieves in the arms of another extreme alpinist, Grant. Not long after, she discovers she's pregnant. Terrified of being alone, she accepts a grudging offer of marriage and abandons her education and climbing. In spite of paralyzing unhappiness, they buy a house in the mountains, have a second baby, and slip into their parents' rigid roles: Grant, the provider, working in the bush as a logger; Jan, the housewife and mother. While she clings to her dream of university and autonomy, he pursues his dream of scaling mountains--dreams that pit them against each other. As her marriage unravels, Jan realizes she has to transform herself into the kind of person who can seize her dream, just like she transformed herself into a climber. It takes years and many small acts of courage, but finally, her need to grow surpasses her need to feel safe. She packs up her young children and drives off to the city, for perhaps the biggest adventure of her life: university and single motherhood. Combining driving narrative and sardonic humour with white-knuckled descriptions of life and death in the mountains, Jan Redford is paving the way for a new breed of memoir writers. She shows the immense determination required to follow your dream, even when your world is crumbling around you, and the bravery it takes to lead, not follow--in the mountains and in life."--
- Subjects: Biographies.; Redford, Jan; Redford, Jan; Redford, Jan.; Self-actualization (Psychology); Women mountaineers; Women authors, Canadian (English);
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Snowden's box : trust in the age of surveillance / by Bruder, Jessica,author.; Maharidge, Dale,author.;
Includes bibliographical references and index."In the summer of 2013, the world was riveted by Edward Snowden's leak of millions of classified documents detailing the US government's massive and secret electronic surveillance program, in which the NSA had infiltrated tech companies, communication systems, emails and phones to spy on, among others, its own citizens. But this digital-age story had an analog side--Snowden mailed printed-out documents to the journalists Jessica Bruder and Dale Maharidge, who hid them in barrels, in an outhouse, and in a tree. Thus began an education in surveillance and counter-surveillance for these two experienced reporters, who were nonetheless completely ignorant about the lack of privacy they--and all of us--now have"--
- Subjects: Snowden, Edward J., 1983-; Electronic surveillance; Confidential communications; Journalism;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Dirty work : my gruelling, glorious, life-changing summer in the wilderness / by Maxymiw, Anna,author.;
"Wild meets Priestdaddy in this humorous, affecting, keenly observed memoir about daring to go outside of what's comfortable--and being open and ready for all the possibilities. When Anna Maxymiw accepts a summer job as a housekeeper at a fishing lodge in Northern Ontario, she has little idea what to expect. As a child, she goes fishing with her father and brother in Toronto's High Park; as a teenager on a family fishing trip, following the death of her uncle, she finds herself indelibly altered by the thrill of bringing a pike to the surface. At 23, when she decides to leave behind her masters degree and city life, and board a floatplane bound for the remote boreal forest near James Bay, new challenges and unexpected joy await. For 67 days, Anna is one of a group of young women and men who will keep the lodge running. While the male dockhands and fishing guides head out on the water with the fishermen who are the lodge's guests, the women housekeep and serve. Against the backdrop of a vast lake; wild storms; and hot days and eerily still nights, friendships develop, and Anna encounters bears, bugs, and the lore surrounding the lake's legendary pike. As the summer progresses, and the ownership of the lodge changes hands, tensions build to a breaking point. Warm, funny, vulnerable, and wise, Anna Maxymiw gives us a singular perspective on an age-old impulse. She shows us what it's really like to let go of yourself, your insecurities and fears--all the things that hold us back--and move through a summer welcoming all the surprises and possibilities, both good and bad, with open arms and a willingness to be changed by them. An unforgettable memoir, Dirty Work is for anyone who's ever felt the urge to feel uncomfortable and wondered how they'd fare and who they'd be when they came out on the other side."--Provided by publisher.
- Subjects: Autobiographies.; Biographies.; Maxymiw, Anna.; Authors, Canadian (English); Fishing lodges; Outdoor life.; Self-actualization (Psychology);
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- This red line goes straight to your heart : a memoir in halves / by Anand, Madhur,1971-author.;
"We begin with a man off balance: one in one thousand, the only child in town whose polio leads to partial paralysis. We meet his future wife, chanting Hai Rams for Gandhiji and choosing education over marriage. On one side of the line that divides this book, we follow them as their homeland splits in two and they are drawn together, moving to Canada and raising their children in mining towns and in crowded city apartments. And when we turn the book over, we find the daughter's tale--we see how the rupture of Partition, the asymmetry of a father's leg, the virus of a mother's rage, makes its way to the next generation. Told through the lenses of biology, physics, history and poetry, this is a memoir that defies form and convention to immerse the reader in the feeling of what remains when we've heard as much of the truth as our families will allow, and we're left to search for ourselves among the pieces they've carried with them."
- Subjects: Biographies.; Autobiographies.; Upside-down books.; Anand, Madhur, 1971-; Anand, Madhur, 1971-; Immigrants; Panjabi Canadians; Families;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Future war : preparing for the new global battlefield / by Latiff, Robert H.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.LSC
- Subjects: Military art and science; Military art and science; War; War;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Breakup : a marriage in wartime / by Sundaram, Anjan,author.;
"After ten years of reporting from central Africa for The New York Times, Associated Press, and others, Anjan Sundaram finds himself living a quiet life in Shippagan, Canada, with his wife and newborn. But when word arrives of preparations for ethnic cleansing in the Central African Republic, he is suddenly torn between his duty as a husband and father, and his moral responsibility to report on a conflict unseen by the world"--
- Subjects: Autobiographies.; Biographies.; Personal narratives.; Sundaram, Anjan.; Humanitarianism.; Marital conflict.; War correspondents;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Sun house / by Duncan, David James,author.;
"A bolt from an Aero México DC-8 falls from the sky, killing a Mexican girl and throwing the faith of a young American Jesuit into crisis. Jamey van Zandt's mother dies on his fifth birthday, sparking a lifetime of repressed anger that he only unlashes once a year when he recklessly duels the Fate, God, or Power who let the coincidence happen. A young woman, Risa McKeig, runs through the streets of Seattle searching for a "shooting star moment" that will pierce her world with a love that will eventually help heal both the Jesuit and the angry actor. The sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes hilarious journeys of this "unintentional menagerie" carry them to the healing lands of Montana's Elkmoon Beguine & Cattle Company, where nothing tastes better than four fingers of Maker's Mark mixed with glacier ice, nothing sounds lovelier than a lone flycatcher's mating song, and nothing seems less likely than the delight a bunch of urban sophisticates, Montana cowboys, road-weary musicians, and spiritual refugees begin to find in each other's company"--
- Subjects: Humorous fiction.; Epic fiction.; Novels.; Anger; Conduct of life; Love; Meaning (Philosophy); Nature; Transcendence (Philosophy);
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Unapologetic : a Black, queer, and feminist mandate for radical movements / by Carruthers, Charlene A.,1985-author.;
Includes bibliographical references and index."Unapologetic is a 21st century guide to building a Black liberation movement through a Black queer feminist lens"--
- Subjects: African American lesbians; African American women; Feminism; Black power; Black lives matter movement; African Americans;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- A call to action : women, religion, violence, and power / by Carter, Jimmy,1924-;
- Subjects: Human rights.; Sex discrimination against women.; Sex role; Women; Women; Women's rights; Women's rights.;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Global discontents : conversations on the rising threats to democracy / by Chomsky, Noam,author.; Barsamian, David,interviewer.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.
- Subjects: Chomsky, Noam; Chomsky, Noam; World politics; Linguists;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
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