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- On Democracies and Death Cults : Israel and the Future of Civilization. by Murray, Douglas.;
'On Democracies and Death Cults' is a gripping and essential read for all who seek to understand the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its implications for the future of democracy both here and abroad - and for the world itself. From the author of 'The War on the West'.Library Bound Incorporated
- Subjects: HISTORY / Europe / Western; POLITICAL SCIENCE / Commentary & Opinion; SOCIAL SCIENCE / Customs & Traditions;
- Available copies: 0 / Total copies: 1
- The guns of August ; The proud tower / by Tuchman, Barbara Wertheim; MacMillan, Margaret.;
Includes bibliographical references (p. 487-507 and p. 1101-1162) and index.
- Subjects: World War, 1914-1918; World War, 1914-1918; History, Modern;
- © 2012., Library of America ,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- The darkest hour / by Richmond, Caroline Tung.;
In 1943 sixteen-year-old Lucie Blaise is the newest recruit of Covert Ops, a secret espionage and sabotage organization of girls, and her mission in German occupied France is to track down information about a weapon that could wipe out all of Western Europe--and then dismantle it before it can be used.LSC
- Subjects: Historical fiction.; Adventure fiction.; Spy stories.; World War, 1939-1945; World War, 1939-1945; Undercover operations; Women spies;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- The restless kings : Henry II, his sons and the wars for the Plantagenet crown / by Barratt, Nick,author.;
Includes bibliographical references (pages 297-298) and index.Presents the tumultuous struggle for supremacy between the first Plantagenet king, Henry II, and his four sons -- a drama that tore apart the most powerful family in western Europe and shaped the future of two nations. Although the key events took place over 800 years ago, their significance still resonates today. Whether you're looking for the root causes of Brexit or tension in the Middle East, their origins can be found in the actions of the Angevin kings of England.
- Subjects: Kings and rulers;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
Before Canada : northern North America in a connected world.
"Long before Confederation created a nation-state in northern North America, Indigenous people were establishing vast networks and trade routes. Volcanic eruptions pushed the ancestors of the Dene to undertake a trek from the present-day Northwest Territories to Arizona. Inuit migrated across the Arctic from Siberia, reaching Southern Labrador, where they met Basque fishers from northern Spain. As early as the fifteenth century, fishing ships from western Europe were coming to Newfoundland for cod, creating the greatest transatlantic maritime link in the early modern world. Later, fur traders would take capitalism across the continent, using cheap rum to lubricate their transactions. The contributors to Before Canada reveal the latest findings of archaeological and historical research on this fascinating period. Along the way, they reframe the story of the Canadian past, extending its limits across time and space and challenging us to reconsider our assumptions about this supposedly young country. Innovative and multidisciplinary, Before Canada inspires interest in the deep history of northern North America."--Library Bound Incorporated
- Subjects: HISTORY / Canada / Pre-Confederation (to 1867); HISTORY / Historical Geography;
- Available copies: 0 / Total copies: 1
- The last million : Europe's displaced persons from World War to Cold War / by Nasaw, David,author.;
Includes bibliographical references and index."In May of 1945, German forces surrendered to the Allied powers, effectively putting an end to World War II in Europe. But the aftershocks of this global military conflict did not cease with the signing of truces and peace treaties. Millions of lost and homeless POWs, slave laborers, political prisoners, and concentration camp survivors overwhelmed Germany, a country in complete disarray. British and American soldiers gathered the malnourished and desperate foreigners, and attempted to repatriate them to Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, and the USSR. But after exhaustive efforts, there remained over a million displaced persons who either refused to go home or, in the case of many, had no home to which to return. They would spend the next three to five years in displaced persons camps, divided by nationalities, temporary homelands in exile, with their own police forces, churches, schools, newspapers, and medical facilities. The international community couldn't agree on the fate of the Last Million, and after a year of fruitless debate and inaction, an International Refugee Organization was created to resettle them in lands suffering from labor shortages. But no nations were willing to accept the 200,000 to 250,000 Jewish men, women, and children who remained trapped in Germany. In 1948, the United States, among the last countries to accept anyone for resettlement, finally passed a Displaced Persons Bill - but as Cold War fears supplanted memories of WWII atrocities, the bill only granted visas to those who were reliably anti-communist, including thousands of former Nazi collaborators, Waffen-SS members, and war criminals, while barring the Jews who were suspected of being Communist sympathizers or agents because they had been recent residents of Soviet-dominated Poland. Only after the passage of the controversial UN resolution for the partition of Palestine and Israel's declaration of independence were the remaining Jewish survivors finally able to leave their displaced persons camps in Germany."--
- Subjects: United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.; International Refugee Organization.; World War, 1939-1945; Refugees; Refugees; Jewish refugees; Political refugees; Jews; Humanitarianism; World War, 1939-1945;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Moment of battle : the twenty clashes that changed the world / by Lacey, James.; Murray, Williamson.;
Includes bibliographical references.Marathon: Athens saves Western civilization (490 BC) -- Gaugamela : Alexander creates a new world (311 BC) -- Zama: an empire in the balance (202 BC) -- Teutoburger Wald: the division of Europe (9 AD) -- Adrianople: the end of Roman supremacy (378 AD) -- Yarmuk: the Islamic conquest begins (636 AD) -- Hastings: the remaking of Europe (1066 AD) -- The Spanish Armada: miracle at sea (1588 AD) -- Breitenfeld: the creation of modern war (1631 AD) -- Annus mirabilis: the rise of British supremacy (1759 AD) -- Saratoga: the victory of amateurs (1777 AD) -- Trafalgar: Napoleon's plans thwarted (1805 AD) -- Vicksburg: breaking the confederacy (1863 AD) -- The Marne: the end of old Europe (1914 AD) -- The Battle of Britain: the Nazis stopped (1940 AD) -- Midway: Imperial Japan stopped (1942 AD) -- Kursk: the end of the drang nach osten (1943 AD) -- Normandy: the dath knell for Nazi Germany (1944) -- Dien Bien Phu: Imperialism defeated (1954 AD) -- Operations peach: the drive for Baghdad (2003 AD) -- Notes -- Index.
- Subjects: Battles.; Military art and science; Military history.;
- © 2013., Bantam Books,
- Available copies: 0 / Total copies: 1
- The map of knowledge : a thousand-year history of how classical ideas were lost and found / by Moller, Violet,author.;
Includes bibliographical references (pages 271-290) and index."The foundations of modern knowledge--philosophy, math, astronomy, geography--were laid by the Greeks, whose ideas were written on scrolls and stored in libraries across the Mediterranean and beyond. But as the vast Roman Empire disintegrated, so did appreciation of these precious texts. Christianity cast a shadow over so-called pagan thought, books were burned, and the library of Alexandria, the greatest repository of classical knowledge, was destroyed. Yet some texts did survive and The Map of Knowledge explores the role played by seven cities around the Mediterranean--rare centers of knowledge in a dark world, where scholars supported by enlightened heads of state collected, translated and shared manuscripts. In 8th century Baghdad, Arab discoveries augmented Greek learning. Exchange within the thriving Muslim world brought that knowledge to Cordoba, Spain. Toledo became a famous center of translation from Arabic into Latin, a portal through which Greek and Arab ideas reached Western Europe. Salerno, on the Italian coast, was the great center of medical studies, and Sicily, ancient colony of the Greeks, was one of the few places in the West to retain contact with Greek culture and language. Scholars in these cities helped classical ideas make their way to Venice in the 15th century, where printers thrived and the Renaissance took root. The Map of Knowledge follows three key texts--Euclid's Elements, Ptolemy's The Almagest, and Galen's writings on medicine--on a perilous journey driven by insatiable curiosity about the world"--
- Subjects: Learning and scholarship; East and West.;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- The Stalin affair : the impossible alliance that won the war / by Milton, Giles,author.;
Includes bibliographical references and index."From international bestselling historian Giles Milton comes the remarkable true story of the motley group of allied men and women who worked to manage Stalin's mercurial, explosive approach to diplomacy during four turbulent years of World War II. In the summer of 1941, Hitler did the unthinkable -- he invaded the Soviet Union, shattering what Stalin had until then considered an ironclad partnership. It was a shocking, urgent turning point in the war, in the wake of which a team of British and American men and women were assembled with one central goal: to keep the Red Army fighting on the Eastern Front. There were real fears that Stalin's forces would either be defeated (as looked increasingly likely as Hitler's army pushed forward at a merciless pace) or that the Soviet leader would once again strike a deal with Hitler. Either eventuality would spell catastrophe for both Britain and America. Hitler would be able to concentrate his vast military resources in Western Europe, making the continent's ultimate liberation virtually impossible. Enter Averell Harriman: a railroad magnate, and, at the start of the war, the fourth richest man in America. At Roosevelt's behest he traveled to Britain to serve as a liaison between him and Churchill and spearhead what became known as the Harriman mission. Together with his fashionable young daughter Kathy, an unforgettable cast of British diplomats, and Churchill himself, he managed to wrangle Stalin into the partnership the allies needed to finally defeat Hitler. Based on unpublished diaries, letters and secret reports, The Stalin Affair reveals troves of new material about the path to Allied victory, full of vivid scenes between celebrated and infamous World War II figures. Ultimately, it provides fascinating, richly nuanced portrait of one of history's most complicated and notorious dictators"--
- Subjects: Biographies.; Personal narratives.; Stalin, Joseph, 1878-1953.; Churchill, Winston, 1874-1965.; Harriman, W. Averell (William Averell), 1891-1986.; World War, 1939-1945; World War, 1939-1945; World War, 1939-1945;
- Available copies: 0 / Total copies: 1
- The longbow, the schooner & the violin : wood and human achievement / by De Villiers, Marq,author.;
Includes bibliographical references.The English longbow, made of rare yew wood, unmatched for accuracy, speed of fire, and deadliness, shifted Europe's balance of power in the Middle Ages. Schooners, those "able handsome ladies" of the sea, inaugurated a new era of global trade, carrying high-value cargoes of tea and spice to Europe and America with unmatched speed and reliability. The violin, individual examples of which have personalities and histories as brilliant as the performers who play them, brought Western music to the pinnacle of expressiveness. These three iconic artifacts exemplify the inventive ways human ingenuity has employed wood - one of our most extraordinary natural substances - to change its culture and history. In this sweeping and beautifully-written history, award-winning author Marq de Villiers explores our relationship with wood, from ancient times to the present, from the forest to the workshop. Wood, he writes, has always been an essential companion to human development, and its most remarkable applications may still be ahead.
- Subjects: Material culture.; Technology and civilization.; Technology; Wood; Woodwork;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
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