
Pancakes / by Lear, Lee-Ann.;
The Teal Series is parallel to the Blue Series, and of similar difficulty. The following concepts are introduced in the Teal Series: <o>/ō/, <e>/ē/, <u>/ū/, and <y>/ī/ in open syllables -- VCe pattern -- <ar>, <ur>, and <ir>, and the concept of r-controlled vowels -- "marker <e>" after <v>, <c> as /s/, and contractions -- compound words, and vowel flexibility in two syllable words -- <ild>/īld/, <ind>/īnd/,<old>/ōld/, <ost>/ōst/ -- High Frequency Words: "you" and "are".
Subjects: Readers (Publications); Dyslexia-friendly books.; Ending Spelling Patterns.; Phonics.; Decodable books.; Spellings: VCe pattern.; Pancakes, waffles, etc.; Reading; English language;
Available copies: 2 / Total copies: 2

Hide! / by Lear, Lee-Ann.;
The Teal Series is parallel to the Blue Series, and of similar difficulty. The following concepts are introduced in the Teal Series: <o>/ō/, <e>/ē/, <u>/ū/, and <y>/ī/ in open syllables -- VCe pattern -- <ar>, <ur>, and <ir>, and the concept of r-controlled vowels -- "marker <e>" after <v>, <c> as /s/, and contractions -- compound words, and vowel flexibility in two syllable words -- <ild>/īld/, <ind>/īnd/,<old>/ōld/, <ost>/ōst/ -- High Frequency Words: "you" and "are".
Subjects: Readers (Publications); Dyslexia-friendly books.; Ending Spelling Patterns.; Phonics.; Decodable books.; Spellings: wh, VCe pattern.; Camouflage (Biology); Reading; English language;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 2

Up high / by Lear, Lee-Ann.;
The Red Series follows the Blue/Teal Series. As the Red Series progresses, the following concepts are introduced: vowel digraphs <oa>/ō/, <ea>/ē/, <ow>/ō/, <oo>/ū/, and <oo>/oo/ -- vowel trigraph <igh>/ī/ -- digraph <ph>/f/ -- diphthongs <oi>/oy/, <oy>/oy, <ou>/ow/, and <ow>/ow/ -- <a>/ā/ and <i>/ī/ in open syllables -- vowel-consonant-e syllables, and vowel flexibility in two syllable words -- High Frequency Words: "come", "some", "many", "people", and a small selection of content words.
Subjects: Readers (Publications); Dyslexia-friendly books.; Vowel Teams & Dipthongs.; Phonics.; Decodable books.; Spellings: igh (long i sound).; Altitudes; Reading; English language;
Available copies: 2 / Total copies: 2

The sound of ie /i/ / by Earley, Christina.;
This book gives examples of words with the long vowel teams IE /I/ along with pictures.
Subjects: Readers (Publications); Dyslexia-friendly books.; Vowel Teams & Dipthongs.; Decodable books.; Phonics.; Spellings: ie (long i sound).; English language; English language; Reading;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

The sound of ie /e/ / by Earley, Christina.;
This book gives examples of words with the long vowel team IE /E/ along with pictures.
Subjects: Readers (Publications); Dyslexia-friendly books.; Vowel Teams & Dipthongs.; Decodable books.; Phonics.; Spellings: ie (long e sound).; English language; English language; Reading;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Down by the station / by Stockham, Jessica.;
In this version of the familiar children's song all sorts of stations are illustrated -- train stations, bus stations, taxi cab stations, fire stations and truck stations.LSC
Subjects: Stories in rhyme.; Terminals (Transportation); Children's songs; Toy and movable books; Toy and movable books.;
© c2002., Child's Play (International),
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Rex yells / by Reis-Frankfort, Tamar.; Tweedie, Wendy.; Baker, Clair.; Wilson, Drew(Illustrator);
This book focuses on: x, y, ff, ll, ss, zz
Subjects: Readers (Publications); Dyslexia-friendly books.; Blends & Diagraphs.; Phonics.; Decodable books.; Spellings: x, y, ff, ll, ss, zz.; Reading; Dinosaurs;
Available copies: 0 / Total copies: 1

Sloths in the night / by Annable, Graham.;
Peter and Ernesto know how dangerous it can be at night. When their friend Bernard goes missing, Peter and Ernesto quickly a search party. However, while these sloths have a sense of what dangers they will face, there are surprises lurking in the shadows that will surpass their wildest imaginings!LSC
Subjects: Graphic novels.; Sloths; Friendship; Night; Search and rescue operations; Jungles;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 2

Rex will not sit / by Reis-Frankfort, Tamar.; Tweedie, Wendy.; Baker, Clair.; Wilson, Drew(Illustrator);
This book focuses on: x, y, ff, ll, ss, zz
Subjects: Readers (Publications); Dyslexia-friendly books.; Blends & Diagraphs.; Phonics.; Decodable books.; Spellings: x, y, ff, ll, ss, zz.; Reading; Dinosaurs;
Available copies: 0 / Total copies: 1

Kith / by Black, Holly,author.; Naifeh, Ted,illustrator.;
While sixteen-year-old Rue Silver travels into the faerie realm to find her mother, faerie creatures are entering the human world and wreaking havoc, forcing Rue to ponder where her loyalty should lie.
Subjects: Graphic novels.; Graphic novels; Comic books, strips, etc.; Fantasy comics.; Fiction.; Graphic novels.; Juvenile works.; Paranormal comics.; Fantasy fiction.; Paranormal fiction.; Fairies; Identity (Psychology); Missing persons; Supernatural; Magic; Fairies; Identity (Psychology); Missing persons; Magic; Fairies; Identity; Missing persons; Supernatural; Magic; Graphic novels.; Cartoons and comics.; Fairies.; Identity (Psychology); Magic.; Missing persons.; Supernatural.; Fairies; Identity (Psychology); Missing persons; Supernatural; Magic;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1