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- By the fire we carry : the generations-long fight for justice on Native land / by Nagle, Rebecca,author.;
Includes bibliographical references and index."A powerful work of reportage and American history in the vein of Caste and How the Word Is Passed that braids the story of the forced removal of Native Americans onto treaty lands in the nation's earliest days, and a small-town murder in the '90s that led to a Supreme Court ruling reaffirming Native rights to that land over a century later"--
- Subjects: Indigenous peoples; Indigenous peoples; Indigenous peoples; Indigenous peoples, Treatment of;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- The rights of Indigenous peoples explained / by Okibe, Summer.; Pelumi, Franklin.; Wisdom, Felix.;
Hey Child, I am excited to simplify the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) for you. You are special and you deserve to know that the Indigenous People around you have rights. You should, at all times, respect and acknowledge their rights.
- Subjects: United Nations. General Assembly.; Indigenous peoples; Indigenous peoples (International law); Human rights;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Treaty words : for as long as the rivers flow / by Craft, Aimée,1980-; Swinson, Luke,1989-;
"The first treaty that was made was between the earth and the sky. It was an agreement to work together. We build all of our treaties on that original treaty. On the banks of the river that have been Mishomis<U+2019>s home his whole life, he teaches his granddaughter to listen--to hear both the sounds and the silences, and so to learn her place in Creation. Most importantly, he teaches her about treaties--the bonds of reciprocity and renewal that endure for as long as the sun shines, the grass grows, and the rivers flow. Accompanied by beautiful illustrations by Luke Swinson and an author<U+2019>s note at the end, Aimée Craft affirms the importance of understanding an Indigenous perspective on treaties in this evocative book that is essential for readers of all ages."--Provided by publisher.LSC
- Subjects: Native peoples; Native peoples; Native peoples; Indigenous peoples; Indigenous peoples; Indigenous peoples;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- The martyrdom of Collins Catch the Bear / by Spence, Gerry,author.;
"The search for justice for a Lakota Sioux man wrongfully charged with murder, told here for the first time by his trial lawyer, Gerry Spence. This is the untold story of Collins Catch the Bear, a Lakota Sioux, who was wrongfully charged with the murder of a white man in 1982 at Russell Means's Yellow Thunder Camp, an AIM encampment in the Black Hills in South Dakota. Though Collins was innocent, he took the fall for the actual killer, a man placed in the camp with the intention of compromising the reputation of AIM. This story reveals the struggle of the American Indian people in their attempt to survive in a white world, on land that was stolen from them. We live with Collins and see the beauty that was his, but that was lost over the course of his short lifetime. Today justice still struggles to be heard, not only in this case but many like it in the American Indian nations"--
- Subjects: Biographies.; True crime stories.; Collins Catch the Bear; Trials (Murder); Discrimination in criminal justice administration; Lakota; Lakota; Indigenous peoples, Treatment of; Indigenous peoples;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Indigenous healing : exploring traditional paths / by Ross, Rupert,1946-author.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.
- Subjects: Indian ethics; Social justice; Native peoples; Native peoples; Native philosophy;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- 21 things you may not know about the Indian Act : helping Canadians make reconciliation with indigenous peoples a reality / by Joseph, Robert P. C.,1963-author.;
Includes bibliographical references and index."Based on a viral article, 21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act is the essential guide to understanding the legal document and its repercussion on generations of Indigenous peoples, written by a leading cultural sensitivity trainer. The Indian Act, after 141 years, continues to shape, control, and constrain the lives and opportunities of Indigenous peoples, and is at the root of many lasting stereotypes. Bob Joseph's book comes at a key time in the reconciliation process, when awareness from both Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities is at a crescendo. Joseph explains how Indigenous peoples can step out from under the Indian Act and return to self-government, self-determination, and self-reliance-and why doing so would result in a better country for every Canadian. He dissects the complex issues around truth and reconciliation, and clearly demonstrates why learning about the Indian Act's cruel, enduring legacy is essential for the country to move toward true reconciliation."--
- Subjects: Canada.; Native peoples; Native peoples; Native peoples;
- Available copies: 2 / Total copies: 2
- Enslaved people in Canada by Kentner, Julie.;
Includes bibliographical references, Internet addresses and index. Discusses the history of slavery in North America, the lives of enslaved Indigenous and Black people, changing attitudes toward slavery in Canada and finally the law that made it illegal to enslave people. LSC
- Subjects: Slavery. ; Slavery.;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Canada and colonialism : an unfinished history / by Reynolds, James I.,author.;
Includes bibliographical references and index."Colonialism endures in Canada today. Dismantling it requires understanding how and why Canada's colonial experience in the British Empire remains unique. While colonies like India were ruled through despotism and violence, Canada's white settler population governed itself while oppressing the Indigenous peoples whose lands they were on. Canada and Colonization shows that this settler-led self-governance is why colonialism is still entrenched in Canadian laws and society to today. Author Jim Reynolds presents a truly compelling account of Canada's colonial coming of age and its impacts on Indigenous peoples, including the internal colonialism behind the Indian Act and those who enforced it. This book also addresses the historical and ongoing Anglo-Canadian support for colonial rule and how this perpetuates colonialism. It is this continuing legacy that the Truth and Reconciliation Commission implored Canada to recognize and address before reconciliation and decolonization could take place. As one of Canada's leading experts in Aboriginal law, author Jim Reynolds highlights the historical underpinnings and contemporary challenges Canada must reckon with to move toward decolonization."--
- Subjects: Indigenous peoples; Indigenous peoples; Indigenous peoples;
- Available copies: 0 / Total copies: 1
- Peace and good order : the case for Indigenous justice in Canada / by Johnson, Harold,1957-author.;
Includes bibliographical references."In early 2018, the failures of Canada's justice system were sharply and painfully revealed in the verdicts issued in the deaths of Colten Boushie and Tina Fontaine. The outrage and confusion that followed those verdicts inspired former Crown prosecutor and bestselling author Harold R. Johnson to make the case against Canada for its failure to fulfill its duty under Treaty to effectively deliver justice to Indigenous people, worsening the situation and ensuring long-term damage to Indigenous communities. In this direct, concise, and essential volume, Harold R. Johnson examines the justice system's failures to deliver "peace and good order" to Indigenous people. He explores the part that he understands himself to have played in that mismanagement, drawing on insights he has gained from the experience; insights into the roots and immediate effects of how the justice system has failed Indigenous people, in all the communities in which they live; and insights into the struggle for peace and good order for Indigenous people now."-- Provided by publisher.
- Subjects: Indians of North America; Criminal justice, Administration of;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- It's all about the land : collected talks and interviews on Indigenous resurgence / by Alfred, Taiaiake,author.; Palmater, Pamela D.(Pamela Doris),1970-writer of foreword.; Rogers, Ann,editor,writer of introduction.;
Includes bibliographical references.Illuminating the First Nations struggles against the Canadian state, It's All about the Land exposes how racism underpins and shapes Indigenous-settler relationships. Renowned Kahnawà:ke Mohawk activist and scholar Taiaiake Alfred explains how the Canadian government's reconciliation agenda is a new form of colonization that is also guaranteed to fail. Bringing together Alfred's speeches and interviews from over the past two decades, the book shows that Indigenous peoples across the world face a stark choice: reconnect with their authentic cultures and values or continue following a slow road to annihilation. Alfred proposes a radical vision for contesting and confronting the ongoing genocide of the original peoples of this land: Indigenous Resurgence. This way of thinking, being, and practising represents an authentic politics that roots resistance in the spirit, knowledge, and laws of the ancestors. Set against the historic arc of Indigenous-settler relations in Canada and drawing on the rich heritage of First Nations resistance movements, It's All about the Land traces the evolution of Indigenous struggle and liberation through the dynamic processes of oratory, dialogue, action, and reflection.
- Subjects: Indigenous peoples.; Indigenous peoples; Indigenous peoples; Indigenous peoples; Indigenous peoples; Indigenous peoples; Indigenous peoples; Indigenous peoples; First Nations.; First Nations; First Nations; First Nations; First Nations; First Nations; First Nations; First Nations;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
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