
Conspirituality : how new age conspiracy theories became a health threat / by Beres, Derek,author.; Remski, Matthew D.,1971-author.; Walker, Julian(Podcaster),author.;
Includes bibliographical references and index."Conspirituality takes a deep dive into the troubling phenomenon of influencers who have curdled New Age spirituality and wellness with the politics of paranoia--peddling vaccine misinformation, tales of child trafficking, and wild conspiracy theories. In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, a disturbing social media trend emerged: a large number of yoga instructors and alt-health influencers were posting stories about a secretive global cabal bent on controlling the world's population with a genocidal vaccine. Instagram feeds that had been serving up green smoothie recipes and Mary Oliver poems became firehoses of Fox News links, memes from 4chan, and prophecies of global transformation. Since May 2020, Derek Beres, Matthew Remski and Julian Walker have used their Conspirituality podcast to expose countless facets of the intersection of alt-health practitioners with far-right conspiracy trolls. Now this expansive and revelatory book unpacks the follies, frauds, cons and cults that dominate the New Age and wellness spheres and betray the trust of people who seek genuine relief in this uncertain age. Each of the three authors has witnessed firsthand the use of fear-based political agendas to manipulate the human desire for spiritual fulfillment. They throw a spotlight on the telltale signs of cult dynamics and expose how influencers have stoked suspicion of public health initiatives. And they show how charlatans and pseudo-doctors encourage their followers to oppose mainstream advice as a form of spiritual quest. With analytical rigor and flashes of irreverent humor, Conspirituality offers an antidote to our times, helping readers recognize wellness grifts, engage with loved ones who've fallen under the influence, and counter lies and distortions with insight and empathy."--
Subjects: Conspiracy theories; Conspiracy theories; Conspiracy theories.; Medical misconceptions.; New Age movement.; Public health; Social media and society.; Conspiracy theories;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Survival of the richest : escape fantasies of the tech billionaires / by Rushkoff, Douglas,author.;
Includes bibliographical references."The tech elite have a plan to survive the apocalypse: they want to leave us all behind. Five mysterious billionaires summoned theorist Douglas Rushkoff to a desert resort for a private talk. The topic? How to survive the "Event": the societal catastrophe they know is coming. Rushkoff came to understand that these men were under the influence of The Mindset, a Silicon Valley-style certainty that they and their cohort can break the laws of physics, economics, and morality to escape a disaster of their own making-as long as they have enough money and the right technology. In Survival of the Richest, Rushkoff traces the origins of The Mindset in science and technology through its current expression in missions to Mars, island bunkers, AI futurism, and the metaverse. In a dozen urgent, electrifying chapters, he confronts tech utopianism, the datafication of all human interaction, and the exploitation of that data by corporations. Through fascinating characters-master programmers who want to remake the world from scratch as if redesigning a video game and bankers who return from Burning Man convinced that incentivized capitalism is the solution to environmental disasters-Rushkoff explains why those with the most power to change our current trajectory have no interest in doing so. And he shows how recent forms of anti-mainstream rebellion-QAnon, for example, or meme stocks-reinforce the same destructive order. This mind-blowing work of social analysis shows us how to transcend the landscape The Mindset created-a world alive with algorithms and intelligences actively rewarding our most selfish tendencies-and rediscover community, mutual aid, and human interdependency. In a thundering conclusion, Survival of the Richest argues that the only way to survive the coming catastrophe is to ensure it doesn't happen in the first place"--
Subjects: Billionaires; Survivalism; Technology and civilization;
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The antisocial network : the GameStop short squeeze and the ragtag group of amateur traders that brought Wall Street to its knees / by Mezrich, Ben,1969-author.;
From one of our most innovative and celebrated authors, the definitive take on the wildest story of the year- the David-vs.-Goliath GameStop short squeeze, a tale of fortunes won and lost overnight that may end up changing Wall Street forever. Bestselling author Ben Mezrich offers a gripping, beat-by-beat account of how a loosely affiliate group of private investors and internet trolls on a subreddit called WallStreetBets took down one of the biggest hedge funds on Wall Street, firing the first shot in a revolution that threatens to upend the establishment. It's the story of financial titans like Gabe Plotkin of hedge fund Melvin Capital, one of the most respected and staid funds on the Street, billionaires like Elon Musk, Steve Cohen, Mark Cuban, Robinhood co-CEOs Vlad Tenev and Baiju Bhatt, and Ken Griffin of Citadel Securities. Over the course of four incredible days, each in their own way must reckon with a formidable force they barely understand, let alone saw coming: everyday men and women on WallStreetBets like nurse Kim Campbell, college student Jeremy Poe, and the enigmatic Keith "RoaringKitty" Gill, whose unfiltered livestream videos captivated a new generation of stock market enthusiasts. The unlikely focus of the battle: GameStop, a flailing brick-and-mortar dinosaur catering to teenagers and outsiders that had somehow held on as the world rapidly moved online. At first, WallStreetBets was a joke--a meme-filled, freewheeling place to share shoot-the-moon investment tips, laugh about big losses, and post diamond hand emojis. Until some members noticed an opportunity in GameStop--and rode a rocket ship to tens of millions of dollars in earnings overnight. In thrilling, pulse-pounding prose, THE ANTISOCIAL NETWORK offers a fascinating, never-before-seen glimpse at the outsize personalities, dizzying swings, corporate drama, and underestimated American heroes and heroines who captivated the nation during one of the most volatile weeks in financial history. It's the amazing story of what just happened--and where we go from here.
Subjects: GameStop (Firm); Reddit (Firm); Electronic trading of securities; Hedge funds; Online stockbrokers.; Online trolling;
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Monsieur Loup n'a même pas peur / by Brissy, Pascal,1969-; Dreidemy, Joëlle.;
À partir de 6 ans.LSC
Subjects: Loup, Monsieur (Personnage fictif de Brissy); Wolf, Mr. (Fictitious character from Brissy); Loups; Bureaux de placement; Professions; Gardiens de jardin zoologique; Wolves; Employment agencies; Occupations; Zoo keepers;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Clovis a peur des nuages / by Guay, Guylaine,1969-; Orbie,1984-;
Clovis a peur des nuages. Des petits nuages. Des gros nuages. Des nuages blancs. Des nuages gris. Des nuages noirs. Des nuages ronds. Des nuages longs. Pourquoi ? Personne ne le sait. Même pas sa maman. Alors, comment Clovis vaincra-t-il sa peur ?LSC
Subjects: Peur; Nuages; Fear; Clouds;
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Qui va bercer Zoé? / by Poulin, Andrée.; Lampron, Mathieu,1974-;
C'est l'histoire d'un pépé avec une peine si grande qu'il ne peut même pas pleurer. C'est l'histoire d'un bébé qui pleure et qui crie pour se faire réconforter. [4e de couv.]LSC
Subjects: Deuil; Nourrissons; Infirmières; Consolation; Bereavement; Infants; Nurses; Consolation;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Victor et Lino / by Merola, Caroline.;
Sur l'île en face du village des lapins, l'ours Victor vit en solitaire dans une petite maison de bois qu'il a lui-même bâtie, celle-ci étant séparée de la bourgade par une rivière. Malgré cela, les rongeurs se demandent ce que fabrique leur étrange voisin puisque tous les jours surgissent de son logis de drôles de bruits et de drôles d'odeurs. Les activités nocturnes de Victor intriguent toutefois Lino, un lapin de bonne famille qui n'a pas sommeil, ce dernier l'apercevant en train de déambuler dans les rues avec un sac de toile vide, qu'il remplit avant de repartir chez lui. Convaincu que l'ours est un voleur, il se met à l'espionner pour découvrir qu'il récupère plutôt des objets dont personne ne veut et qui ont été jetés à la décharge. Même s'il prend son courage à deux pattes pour aborder le gros animal, Lino ne réussit pas à obtenir toutes les réponses à ses questions et se décide ainsi à suivre Victor jusqu'à son île.LSC
Subjects: Ours; Lapins; Loup; Amitié; Solitude; Curiosité; Recyclage (Déchets, etc.); Entraide; Hospitalité; Partage; Bears; Rabbits; Wolves; Friendship; Solitude; Curiosity; Recycling (Waste, etc.); Peer counseling; Hospitality; Sharing;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Le cochon qui voulait dire non / by Paquin, Carine,1982-; Dechassey, Laurence.;
Gédéon le cochon a une tache de naissance sur le postérieur. Les animaux de la Haute-Cour viennent la toucher chaque matin. Ils sont convaincus que cette marque porte chance. Même s<U+2019>il n<U+2019>y croit pas vraiment, Gédéon les laisse faire. Ce n<U+2019>est que quand Rosie, sa nouvelle amie, lui demande s<U+2019>il aime se faire toucher les fesses ainsi que Gédéon réalise qu<U+2019>en fait, il déteste ça. LSC
Subjects: Porcs; Chance; Respect de la personne; Espace personnel; Assertivité; Swine; Fortune; Respect for persons; Personal space; Assertiveness (Psychology); Pigs;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Invisible / by Percival, Tom,1977-; Cavagna, Marlène.;
Isabelle est une petite fille à l'esprit jovial et positif. Mais lorsque sa famille éprouve des difficultés financières et est contrainte de déménager à l'autre bout de la ville, Isabelle se sent seule et démunie. Isabelle saura-t-elle retrouver la joie de vivre malgré la grisaille qui l'entoure? Parviendra-t-elle à trouver sa place dans ce nouvel environnement peu familier? Dans cet album touchant, accompagné de magnifiques illustrations, Tom Percival nous montre que même si nous n'y croyons pas toujours, nous avons tous une place dans le monde. Grâce à l'entraide et à la volonté, chacun d'entre nous peut faire une différence!LSC
Subjects: Solitude; Marginalité; Pauvreté; Rejet (Psychologie); Déménagement; Comportement d'aide; Solitude; Marginality, Social; Poverty; Rejection (Psychology); Moving, Household; Helping behavior;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1