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- Saving five : a memoir of hope / by Nguyen, Amanda,1991-author.;
"A revelatory and powerful memoir by the Nobel Peace Prize finalist Amanda Nguyen, detailing her tumultuous childhood and groundbreaking activism in the aftermath of her rape at Harvard"--
- Subjects: Biographies.; Autobiographies.; Personal narratives.; Nguyen, Amanda, 1991-; Rape victims; Vietnamese American women;
- Available copies: 0 / Total copies: 1
- Toxic toffee / by Flower, Amanda.;
Bailey King's in New York wrapping up a six-week shoot on her first cable TV show, Bailey's Amish Sweets, when she gets a call from her Ohio town's resident busybody. With Easter around the corner, Bailey's been recruited to create a giant toffee bunny for the weeklong springtime festival that will also feature live white rabbits. But back home in Harvest, death becomes the main attraction when Stephen Raber keels over from an apparent heart attack--with Bailey and Raber's pet bunny as witnesses. Except it wasn't Raber's heart that suddenly gave out--a lethal dose of lily of the valley was mixed into a tasty piece of toffee. Who'd want to poison a jovial rabbit farmer who reminded Bailey of an Amish Santa Claus? To solve the murder, she and her sheriff deputy boyfriend Aiden must uncover a twenty-year-old secret. She'll need to pull a rabbit out of a hat to keep a healthy distance from toxic people, including one venomous killer...
- Subjects: Detective and mystery fiction.; Confectioners; Amish; Murder;
- Available copies: 0 / Total copies: 1
- Paws+Edward / by Dekko, Espen,1968-; Johnsen, Mari Kanstad.;
Paws is tired. He just wants to rest. And to dream about the days when he used to chase rabbits. He still walks with Edward to the park twice a day, but only because Edward needs the fresh air. Until one day, Paws decides he doesn't want to go for another walk. He just wants to lie in Edward's bedLSC
- Subjects: Dreams; Pets; Dogs; Grief;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Storyteller Skye : teachings from my Ojibway grandfather / by King, Lindsay Christina.; Frank, Carolyn,(Carolyn R.);
Have you ever wondered why Rabbit has such long ears? Or why Raccoon is wearing a mask? In this collection of funny and unique short stories, young Skye enlightens us in a number of Indigenous teachings, passed down to her from her Ojibway Grandfather. Through her natural gift of storytelling, Skye encourages other children to embrace the art and become storytellers, too!
- Subjects: Picture books.; Children's stories, Ojibwa; Ojibwa Indians; Storytellers; Storytelling;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Fatty fatty boom boom : a memoir of food, fat, and family / by Chaudry, Rabia,author.;
"A memoir about food, body image, and growing up in a loving but sometimes oppressively concerned Pakistani immigrant family"--
- Subjects: Biographies.; Autobiographies.; Personal narratives.; Chaudry, Rabia.; Body image; Overweight persons; Pakistani American women; Pakistani Americans; Pakistani Americans; Pakistani Americans;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- The quiet room / by Miles, Terry,author.;
"After nearly winning the eleventh iteration of Rabbits, the mysterious alternate reality game so vast it uses the entire world as its canvas, Emily Connors suddenly finds herself trapped in a dimensional stream where the game does not exist. At all. Except ... why do sinister figures show up to stop her every time she goes looking? Does Rabbits truly not exist, or is it being hidden? And if it's being hidden, why--and by whom? Meanwhile, architect and theme park designer Rowan Chess is having the weirdest month of his life, full of odd coincidences and people who appear one moment and vanish the next, with no trace they ever even existed. The game that is hiding from Emily seems to have found Rowan--with a vengeance. But only when Rowan and Emily meet do things start to get dangerous, for together they uncover a conspiracy far deeper and deadlier than either of them expected--one that could forever change the nature not only of the game, but of reality itself"--
- Subjects: Science fiction.; Novels.; Alternate reality games; Conspiracies;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Some of us are looking / by O'Connor, Carlene,author.;
In Dimpna Wilde's veterinary practice, an imminent meteor shower has elevated the usual gossip to include talk of shooting stars and the watch parties that are planned all over Dingle. But there are also matters nearer at hand to discuss--including the ragtag caravan of young people selling wares by the roadside, and the shocking death of Chris Henderson, an elderly local, in a hit-and-run. Just hours before his death, Henderson had stormed into the Garda Station, complaining loudly about the caravan's occupants causing noise and disruption. One of their members is a beautiful young woman named Brigid Sweeney, and Dimpna is shocked when Brigid later turns up at her practice, her clothing splattered in blood and an injured hare tucked into her shirt. Brigid claims that a mysterious stranger has been trying to obtain a lucky rabbit's foot. Dimpna is incensed at the thought of anyone mutilating animals, but there is far worse in store. On the night of the meteor shower, Dimpna finds Brigid's body tied to a tree, her left hand severed. She has bled to death. Wrapped around her wrist is a rabbit's foot. Brigid had amassed plenty of admirers, and there were tangled relationships within the group. But perhaps there is something more complex than jealousy at play. The rabbit's foot, the severed hand, the coinciding meteor shower--the deeper Dimpna and Detective Sargeant Cormac O'Brien investigate, the more ominous the signs seem to be, laced with a warning that Dimpna fears it will prove fatal to overlook.
- Subjects: Detective and mystery fiction.; Novels.; Murder; Police; Veterinarians; Women veterinarians; Young women;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Ten little Easter eggs : a counting storybook / by Sobotka, Amanda.; Gray, James Newman.;
"Nine little Easter eggs hidden by the gate, along came a rabbit and then there were... eight! Learning to count has never been more fun. This unique board book counts from ten little Easter eggs all the way down to one.... With each page, one more Easter egg disappears. To demonstrate this concept, this book uses tactile Easter egg buttons to help children count how many little Easter eggs are left as the story progresses."--
- Subjects: Easter fiction.; Board books.; Textured books.; Easter eggs; Counting; Animals;
- Available copies: 0 / Total copies: 1
- The switch. [videorecording] / by Rose, Nyla,actor.; Fox, Amy,actor,creator.; Viezzer, Vincent,actor.; Marston, Elizabeth,creator.; Trembling Void,distributor.;
Nyla Rose, Amy Fox, Vincent Viezzer.Yesterday, Sü was an upwardly-mobile software manager. Today she's an out transsexual, unemployed and sleeping on her ex's couch at the unfashionable bottom of the rabbit hole that is the East Vancouver Queer Underground. Thrown into a world of marginal living, social inequity and quasi-legal employment, will she claw her way back to her old status? Or, to her horror, will she adapt and thrive?14A.DVD.
- Subjects: Television programs.; Transgender people; Transsexuals; Gays;
- For private home use only.
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- The noise / by Patterson, James,1947-author.; Barker, J. D.(Jonathan Dylan),1971-author.;
"In the shadow of Mount Hood, sixteen-year-old Tennant is checking rabbit traps with her eight-year-old sister Sophie when the girls are suddenly overcome by a strange vibration rising out of the forest, building in intensity until it sounds like a deafening crescendo of screams. From out of nowhere, their father sweeps them up and drops them through a trapdoor into a storm cellar. But the sound only gets worse ..."--
- Subjects: Thrillers (Fiction); Basements; Sisters; Noise;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
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