
Sikhs : the story of a people, their faith and culture / by Patnaik, Saanika,author.; Agarwalla, Nehal,author.;
Includes bibliographical references and index."At the turn of the 15th century, Guru Nanak embarked on a series of journeys across the Indian subcontinent and instituted an equitable community and an egalitarian religion, built upon the values of inclusion, service, and kindness. Sikhs throws a spotlight on this incredible faith that places service before self. Today, it is the fifth largest religion in the world with over 30 million Sikhs across the globe. The book explores the gurus, the scriptures, the philosophy, and stories and legends. It explains how a faith led to the birth of a historic empire of immense military and political might, maps the emergence of a distinct identity, looks at its impact on the world today, and celebrates the contributions of this illustrious community."--
Subjects: Illustrated works.; Religious minorities; Sikh art.; Sikhism; Sikhism; Sikhs; Sikhs; Sikhs; Sikhs.;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Trouble is not cool! / by Khan, Tricia.; Tymoshenko, Nataliia.;
Do you have a child that struggles with their inner feelings? The feelings that are not seen or expressed. Then this book is for you. Navigating life can sometimes be challenging for kids, like, coping with their deepest thoughts and feelings. Follow Tommie on his journey with Trouble. Everything Tommie does, everywhere Tommie goes, Trouble keeps following him. At the park, at school, and even at home, Trouble keeps disrupting his day, but will Tommie allow Trouble to have its way? Read along in this rhyming story as Tommie uses his problem-solving skills to exhibit various acts of kindness while displaying bravery, resiliency, and self-control. This story provides a gentle lesson on self-awareness and values that can help with overcoming day-to-day challenges.
Subjects: Stories in rhyme.; Picture books.; Conduct of life; Kindness; Problem solving;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Films of endearment : a mother, a son and the '80s films that defined us / by Koresky, Michael,1979-author.;
Includes bibliographical references.Michael Koresky's most formative memories were simple ones. A movie rental. A bowl of popcorn. And a few shared hours with his mother. Through the films they watched together, he gained insight into his mother's perspective and the values she hoped to instill. Decades later and now a successful film critic, Koresky set out on a journey with his mother to discover more about their shared cinematic past. They rewatched ten films, one from every year of the '80s, each featuring women in leading roles. Films like 9 to 5, Terms of Endearment, The Color Purple and Working Girl played a powerful role in Michael's developing consciousness as a gay man and helped solidify an unspoken bond between mother and son.
Subjects: Biographies.; Autobiographies.; Koresky, Michael, 1979-; Koresky, Michael, 1979-; Mothers and sons; Film critics; Gay men; Women in motion pictures.; Leading ladies (Actresses);
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Eighteen : a history of Britain in 18 young lives / by Loxton, Alice,author.;
Includes bibliographical references.At 18, your life is full of possibility. You have everything to look forward to -- unless you've got the plague. In this unconventional and witty history, award-winning writer and broadcaster Alice Loxton delves into Britain's past, exploring the country though 18 notable figures at that most formative of ages -- 18-years-old. From a young Empress Matilda, already changing the fate of nations, to teenage Richard Burton, the rugby-obsessed lad who grew up in a Welsh mining town, each journey unveils a different era of Britain. Irreverent and full of fascinating tidbits (did you know Chaucer began as a scantily clad pageboy?), Loxton reveals what we can learn from the way a society treats its young -- about its values and its foibles.
Subjects: Biographies.; Personal narratives.; Young adults;
Available copies: 0 / Total copies: 1

Moonshot : inside Pfizer's nine-month race to make the impossible possible / by Bourla, Albert,author.;
A riveting, fast-paced, inside look at one of the most incredible private sector achievements in history, Moonshot recounts the intensive nine months in 2020 when the scientists at Pfizer, under the visionary leadership of Dr. Albert Bourla, made "the impossible possible"--creating, testing, and manufacturing a safe and effective Covid-19 vaccine that previously would have taken years to develop. Dr. Bourla chronicles how the brilliant, dedicated minds at Pfizer, under the enormous strains of the global pandemic, overcame a series of crises that were compounded by social and political unrest, and reveals the doubts, decisions, obstacles, and failures they encountered. As Dr. Bourla makes clear, Pfizer's success wasn't due to luck; it was because of preparation driven by four simple values--Courage, Excellence, Equity, and Joy.
Subjects: Pfizer Inc.; COVID-19 (Disease); Research.; Viral vaccines.;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

How to put a dinosaur to bed / by Pace, Alycia.;
In Alycia Pace's board book How to Put a Dinosaur to Bed, join two siblings as they learn the value of sleep, with a cute triceratops. Bedtime struggles made fun and easy! Having a dinosaur is SO much fun, but taking care of them can sure make you TIRED. Especially if your dinosaur keeps you up ALLLLLL night long. So how do you get a dinosaur to go to bed and STAY in bed? Along with a cute triceratops, two siblings learn the value of sleep as they attempt to put their dino to bed. Every parent knows the bedtime power struggle can be a waking nightmare, but with a solid routine and gentle reminders, children can learn the tools they need to stay in bed. This hilarious board book places children in the teaching role and allows them to learn the skills for themselves in a fun, easy way.
Subjects: Board books.; Dinosaurs; Bedtime;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

The Giver quartet / by Lowry, Lois.; Lowry, Lois.Giver.; Lowry, Lois.Gathering blue.; Lowry, Lois.Messenger.; Lowry, Lois.Son.;
The Giver -- Gathering blue -- Messenger -- Son.The Giver: Given his lifetime assignment at the Ceremony of Twelve, Jonas becomes the receiver of memories shared by only one other in his community and discovers the terrible truth about the society in which he lives. -- Gathering blue: Lame and suddenly orphaned, Kira is mysteriously removed from her squalid village to live in the palatial Council Edifice, where she is expected to use her gifts as a weaver to do the bidding of the all-powerful Guardians. -- Messenger: In this novel that unites characters from "The Giver" and "Gathering Blue," Matty, a young member of a utopian community that values honesty, conceals an emerging healing power that he cannot explain or understand. -- Son: Unlike the other Birthmothers in her utopian community, teenaged Claire forms an attachment to her baby, feeling a great loss when he is taken to the Nurturing Center to be adopted by a family unit.LSC
Subjects: Dystopias.; Control (Psychology); Orphans; People with disabilities; Artists; Community life; Healers; Mother and child; Separation (Psychology);
© [2014], Houghton Mifflin Harcourt,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

The moment : standing up to Bill Cosby, speaking up for women / by Constand, Andrea,1973-author.;
Includes bibliographical references."An inspiring story of resilience and bravery by the Canadian woman who became the linchpin of the case to bring Bill Cosby to justice. Andrea Constand did the right thing, not just for herself, but for sixty other women. When Bill Cosby was convicted on three counts of sexual assault in 2018, the verdict sent shock waves around the globe. Some were outraged that a beloved icon of family values, the man dubbed "America's dad," had been accused, let alone convicted. Others were stunned because they had waited so long to see justice; in accusations going back decades, sixty women recounted how they'd been drugged, raped and assaulted at Cosby's hands. Andrea Constand is just one of these women, but she was the only one with the power to bring him to justice. Constand's decade-long legal marathon required her to endure an excruciating civil suit, and two harrowing criminal trials. It was her deep sense of personal and social responsibility, fostered by her close-knit immigrant family and values earned through team sports, that gave her the courage to testify at the criminal trial--something she agreed to do not for herself, but for the sixty other women whose stories would never be told in court. In The Moment, Constand opens up about the emotional and spiritual work she did to recover from the assault and the psychological regimen she developed to strengthen herself for the courtroom. Ultimately, Constand's testimony brought a powerful man to account. She also gained a new understanding of the resiliency of human spirit, and the affirming knowledge that stepping up and doing the right thing, even when the outcome is uncertain, is the surest path to true healing. From the woman who has been called "the true hero of #MeToo," The Moment is a memoir about the moment a life changes, as hers did when she was raped; about the moment, nearly a decade later, when she stood up for victims without a voice and put herself through an arduous criminal trial; and about the cultural moment, signified by the #MeToo movement, that made justice possible."--
Subjects: Biographies.; Autobiographies.; Constand, Andrea, 1973-; Constand, Andrea, 1973-; Cosby, Bill, 1937-; MeToo movement.; Rape victims; Sex crimes; Sexual abuse victims; Sexual harassment of women.; Trials (Sex crimes);
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Kukum / by Jean, Michel,1960-author.; Ouriou, Susan,translator.; translation of:Jean, Michel,1960-Kukum.English.;
"A Quebec bestseller based on the life of Michel Jean's great-grandmother that delivers an empathetic portrait of drastic change in an Innu community. Kukum recounts the story of Almanda Siméon, an orphan raised by her aunt and uncle, who falls in love with a young Innu man despite their cultural differences and goes on to share her life with the Pekuakami Innu community. They accept her as one of their own: Almanda learns their language, how to live a nomadic existence, and begins to break down the barriers imposed on Indigenous women. Unfolding over the course of a century, the novel details the end of traditional ways of life for the Innu, as Almanda and her family face the loss of their land and confinement to reserves, and the enduring violence of residential schools. Kukum intimately expresses the importance of Innu ancestral values and the need for freedom nomadic peoples feel to this day"--
Subjects: Biographical fiction.; Historical fiction.; Novels.; Jean, Michel, 1960-; French-Canadian women; Great-grandmothers; Indigenous women; Orphans; First Nations; First Nations; Innu; Innu; Residential schools;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Punch 9 for Harold Washington. by Winston, Joe,film director.; Jackson, Jesse,actor.; Video Project (Firm),dst; Kanopy (Firm),dst;
Jesse JacksonOriginally produced by Video Project in 2021.Barack Obama moved to Chicago in 1985, in part, because of a man he'd never met: Harold Washington. The first black mayor of a major U.S. city, Washington created a broad coalition across America's most segregated metropolis on an inclusive platform whose progressive values are still being championed today. Following the 20 year reign of Richard J. Daley, Chicagoans appeared fed up with the machine politics that had defined their city in the national imagination. After a promising but ultimately disappointing term from Jane Byrne, the city's first female mayor, the city's Black leaders recruited Washington to mount an effort to unseat her. In one of the dirtiest political campaigns in American history, in a city rife with corruption and discrimination, Harold Washington took on the deeply-entrenched machine, and a shameful realignment of the city's White democrats with the Republican candidate, to become the 51st mayor of Chicago.Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Subjects: Documentary films.; Political science.; Social sciences.; Enthnology.; History, Modern.; Sociology.; Documentary films.; Ethnicity.; Current affairs.; History.; United States--Politics and government.; African Americans.; Chicago (Ill.).; Politicians.; United States--History.; Biography.;