
Catalogue of census returns on microfilm, 1666-1891 / by Hillman, Thomas A.; Canada. Public Archives;
© c1987., Public Archives,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Best of Raffi [sound recording]. by Raffi.;
Baby beluga -- Down by the bay -- Apples and bananas -- Shake my sillies out -- Wheels on the bus -- Day O -- Bananaphone -- Let's play -- Everything grows -- Mr. Sun -- Love bug -- Owl singalong -- One light, one sun -- Rise and shine -- If you're happy and you know it -- Thanks a lot.Raffi, vocals, guitar ; with accompanying musicians.LSC
Subjects: Children's songs;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Canadian Living [periodical].
Subjects: Cookery;
© 19--, Telmedia,
Available copies: 37 / Total copies: 42

A Newfoundlander in Canada / by Doyle, Alan,1969-author.;
"Following the fantastic success of his bestselling memoir, Where I belong, Great Big Sea front man Alan Doyle returns with a hilarious, heartwarming account of leaving Newfoundland and discovering Canada for the first time. Armed with the same personable, candid style found in his first book, Alan Doyle turns his perspective outward from Petty Harbour toward mainland Canada, reflecting on what it was like to venture away from the comforts of home and the familiarity of the island. Often in a van, sometimes in a bus, occasionally in a car with broken wipers "using Bob's belt and a rope found by Paddy's Pond" to pull them back and forth, Alan and his bandmates charted new territory, and he constantly measured what he saw of the vast country against what his forefathers once called the Daemon Canada. In a period punctuated by triumphant leaps forward for the band, deflating steps backward and everything in between--opening for Barney the Dinosaur at an outdoor music festival, being propositioned at a gas station mail-order bride service in Alberta, drinking moonshine with an elderly church-goer on a Sunday morning in PEI--Alan's few established notions about Canada were often debunked and his own identity as a Newfoundlander was constantly challenged. Touring the country, he also discovered how others view Newfoundlanders and how skewed these images can sometimes be. Asked to play in front of the Queen at a massive Canada Day festival on Parliament Hill, the concert organizers assured Alan and his bandmates that the best way to showcase Newfoundland culture was for them to be towed onto stage in a dory and introduced not as Newfoundlanders but as "Newfies." The boys were not amused. Heartfelt, funny and always insightful, these stories tap into the complexities of community and Canadianness, forming the portrait of a young man from a tiny fishing village trying to define and hold on to his sense of home while navigating a vast and diverse and wonder-filled country."--
Subjects: Autobiographies.; Biographies.; Doyle, Alan, 1969-; Great Big Sea (Musical group); Musicians;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Where in the world [sound recording] / by Penner, Fred.;
Where in the world -- Heartbeat -- Happy -- Fishin' -- Rain -- Saskatoon berry pie -- Home is where the heart is -- Fit -- Grandma's quilt -- The new cat came back -- Where in the world (reprise)Fred Penner, vocals, guitar ; with acc. musicians and vocalists.LSC
Subjects: Children's songs;
© p2013., Linus Entertainment,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

How to profit from the next bull market / by Dustin, Alan,author.;
Includes bibliographical references and index."Financial adviser Alan Dustin teaches readers how to research, select, and manage their own stock portfolios using easily accessible resources, and provides an analysis of twenty Canadian and American companies that have demonstrated their financial strength, staying power, and incredible rates of return over repeated market cycles. This honest, candid, and understandable approach to investing will serve Canadian investors well for the rest of their lives."--
Subjects: Bull markets.; Finance, Personal; Investments; Portfolio management; Stock exchanges;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Explore : Canada's outdoor magazine [periodical].
Subjects: Outdoor life;
© c2009-, Explore Media Ltd.,
Available copies: 3 / Total copies: 3

Drunk mom : a memoir / by Bydlowska, Jowita.;
Subjects: Bydlowska, Jowita.; Alcoholics; Mothers;
© c2013., Doubleday Canada,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 2

Last act : closing the book on your finances / by Short, Kimberley,author.; Short, Larry(Accountant),author.; Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada,issuing body.;
"Many people of all ages procrastinate when it comes to writing their wills, and organizing things, complicating the process of settling their estate for their children, loved ones, and beneficiaries. The Last Act is the book that addresses this situation, as it provides easy-to-follow steps to make the process as easy and as seamless as possible. Trust and Estate Planner Kimberley Short and Accountant Larry Short combine their years of knowledge and experience to explain how to write a will, settle an estate, create a trust, and more while helping to cut costs and unforeseen expenses along the way. Their experience, working with families, allows them to provide wisdom on diffusing potential conflicts. Grieving a parent or loved one is difficult enough without the additional burden of complications that result from a lack of pre-planning."--
Subjects: Estate planning;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

A Canadian's guide to money-smart living / by Keehn, Kelley,1975-author.; Fisher, Alex,author.;
Includes bibliographical references."A Canadian's Guide to Money-Smart Living will help the reader to understand how to live money-smart, providing step-by-step instructions on how to take control of his or her financial future. Many of us feel that managing our money and financial future is hard work and out of our control, which often leads to us ignoring the issue or putting it off for another day, week or year. Simple everyday solutions are available. These start with learning the basics, being comfortable with the topic of money in the household and finally, asking a financial expert the right questions."--Provided by publisher.
Subjects: Finance, Personal;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 2